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Yeovilton Airshow

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Location : Herefordshire
Spotter Watch Member : Will be soon!!

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 08:02

Good Afternoon all,

Just a few questions,

1, What aircraft are you looking forward to seeing?

2, Will the no show of the Vulcan stop you from attending?

I know tensions are high about the vulcan so be gentle Big Grin
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Location : spilsby
Spotter Watch Member : yes

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 08:33

The sea vixen will be superb and i will be there regardless
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Location : Herefordshire
Spotter Watch Member : Will be soon!!

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 08:44

I agree the Sea Vixen is awesome, i saw her at Kemble,i thought my ears were going to burst. Big Grin
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Location : Aberdare, South Wales, Southern edge of LFA7
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 08:49

Looking forward to the classic jets, Sea Vixen/Hunter's etc, Spanish AV8Bs, and of course the assault demo with the helicopters.

Cant wait until next Friday, feel like a kid again getting excited lol Clap
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Location : Herefordshire
Spotter Watch Member : Will be soon!!

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 08:58

I have never seen the assualt demo before is it good, explosions etc? Do you see any of the stationed a/c there,or are they putaway for the weekend?
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Location : trowbridge
Spotter Watch Member : no

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 09:19

I will be there regardless if the Vulcan is attending or not because of the rest of the line up.

who wouldn't want to see four fast jet demo's 1. Rafale uk debut Thumbs Up 2. RAF Typhoon 3. f-16 Belgian 4. f-16 Dutch.

and im very impressed with the display team line up this year 1. RAF red arrows 2. Royal Jordanian Falcons 3. Freece Tricolori.

and with the added civilian displays for me the flying display is great. The Vulcan would have been great to see but with a line up like that i don't think and from my view the Vulcan not being there wont make much of an impact with what yeovilton have got flying and looking at the static line-up there is some real treats there to.

To answer roger50046's question yes you will see all stationed aircraft in the static and flying displays.

Cant wait to go to the photocall on Friday and then the air day itself on Saturday. I hope everyone enjoys there yeovilton experience.

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Location : Cambridgeshire
Spotter Watch Member : no

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 09:32

Question to anyone who`s been before;

What side of the runway is the public / crowd line ?? looking at google earth the runway seems east/west, is the crowd line on the "North" side ? not to good for photography if it is cos you,l be pointing into the sun.
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Location : Herefordshire
Spotter Watch Member : Will be soon!!

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 09:34

I will be paying on the day, i will have to set off early as i live in herefordshire, just so i dont get turned away Whistle .

I went to Cosford and i am glad i went early it was bonkers, 58,000 people unbelievable Clap Clap .

Thanks airtyphoon for the info on the stationed a/c, I should be able to get a few serials.
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Location : Aberdare, South Wales, Southern edge of LFA7
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 09:41

I shall be there on arrival day, no idea where we will park yet though, will be there with my uncle in his silver Toyotal Corrina, come over and say hello!! Smile
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Location : Herefordshire
Spotter Watch Member : Will be soon!!

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 09:58

Do you get access back to your car during the show?

It is my first time Whistle
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Location : trowbridge
Spotter Watch Member : no

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 11:23

Roger50046 wrote:
Do you get access back to your car during the show?

It is my first time Whistle


I think i can be of help again.

My first time at yeovilton was in 2007 and we were allowed to go back to the car then as long as you keep the ticket and show it on re entry. I shouldn't have thought its changed much since then.

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Location : Behind my EOS
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 15:47

airtyphoon wrote:

To answer roger50046's question yes you will see all stationed aircraft in the static and flying displays.


It would be fair to say that you'll see most based aircraft, rather than all of them.

For starters, the 'civvy' hangar on the far side will not be within the public enclosure, nor will the FAAHAF hangar.

Likewise, the two Lynx hangars at the far end, beyond the FAA Museum aren't normally open and in an addition, on the last few years I've been, there has been at least one hangar in the main complex that hasn't been accessible so you can't guarantee to see everything but you'll certainly see most resident machines.
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Location : trowbridge
Spotter Watch Member : no

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 16:06

EOSDigitalman wrote:
airtyphoon wrote:

To answer roger50046's question yes you will see all stationed aircraft in the static and flying displays.


It would be fair to say that you'll see most based aircraft, rather than all of them.

For starters, the 'civvy' hangar on the far side will not be within the public enclosure, nor will the FAAHAF hangar.

Likewise, the two Lynx hangars at the far end, beyond the FAA Museum aren't normally open and in an addition, on the last few years I've been, there has been at least one hangar in the main complex that hasn't been accessible so you can't guarantee to see everything but you'll certainly see most resident machines.

What i was supposed to say was you can see all the based service types either static or flying on the day
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Location : Sheffield
Spotter Watch Member : no

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-05, 17:57

Think the events of this weekend have changed my mind somewhat! The show line-up is certainly good but without the Vulcan I don't think it's quite enough to warrant a four-hour drive there and back! Laughing
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Box Brownie

Location : Surrey
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 02:40

Would love to see the Vulcan again but if not there so be it :(

We have our tickets and I cannot wait till Saturday ~ lens hired should arrive by Thursday, must remember to blow off sensor and SensorKlear it if needed.

Of the few airshows I have attended the flying displays 'move along' quite smoothly and have yet to justify time away from the "line" to look around the statics ~ will have to see how the programme runs and walking around time possiblities :)
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Location : Bristol
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 03:21

Hi Guys,

Im new here and spotted this thread. Ill be at Yeovilton this saturday, been looking forward to it all year. Shame the Vulcan isnt flying, hopefully Ill catch it at RIAT the following week.

This is my third year at yeovilton and its a great warm up to RIAT. I havent yet left the crown line as the displays are awesome so I have never really looked around the static and arena displays. The only downside is that the crowdline is to the north therefore you are facing the sun for most of the day but that shouldnt spoil what should be a fantastic day out.

What lens have you hired Box Brownie?
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Location : Mid Devon, SW England
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 03:33

Regarding the Assault Demo. They put on two rehearsals on Friday, one around midday and the other at 6pm and to be honest, it is something you would not forget in a hurry.
If you are at the 27 end like 99.9% of the people are (regardless of the wind direction) then you get all the helicopters come over your head at tree top height doing tactical assaults and underslung loads.
At some points you will get numerous Lynx coming at you from all directions, its a case of not knowing where to look...its like flies all over the place its that cool.
On the show day, for the assault demo, the front of the crowd line is the place to be if you want some fantastic opportunities as at the end there is an explosion, you really REALLY need your cameras ready as you could bag one of your best photos ever... if you catch it right.

The only issue for this years arrivals is going to be the parking....

As for the crowd line question.... you are facing the sun all day but that doesn't stop some brilliant photos being taken.
Atleast one or two hangars are open (with helicopters inside open to the public) and a large amount of based Lynx are on line-up.

It is (if nothing cancels) looking to be the best show in the UK (other than RIAT) considering last year Waddington took all the aircraft and barely anything turned up at Yeovilton. This year its the other way round, Waddington was sparse, Yeovilton is getting some great acts including a UK debut.
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Box Brownie

Location : Surrey
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 03:34

Hi Digz

I have hired the Canon 100-400 IS and will be buying an ND filter 2 stops version which if the sun does make an appearence will also help me I hope to narrow my DoF and get get the aperture more into the sweet spot!

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Box Brownie

Location : Surrey
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 03:37

Razor61 wrote:
Regarding the Assault Demo. They put on two rehearsals on Friday, one around midday and the other at 6pm and to be honest, it is something you would not forget in a hurry.
If you are at the 27 end like 99.9% of the people are (regardless of the wind direction) then you get all the helicopters come over your head at tree top height doing tactical assaults and underslung loads.
At some points you will get numerous Lynx coming at you from all directions, its a case of not knowing where to look...its like flies all over the place its that cool.
On the show day, for the assault demo, the front of the crowd line is the place to be if you want some fantastic opportunities as at the end there is an explosion, you really REALLY need your cameras ready as you could bag one of your best photos ever... if you catch it right.

The only issue for this years arrivals is going to be the parking....

As for the crowd line question.... you are facing the sun all day but that doesn't stop some brilliant photos being taken.
Atleast one or two hangars are open (with helicopters inside open to the public) and a large amount of based Lynx are on line-up.

It is (if nothing cancels) looking to be the best show in the UK (other than RIAT) considering last year Waddington took all the aircraft and barely anything turned up at Yeovilton. This year its the other way round, Waddington was sparse, Yeovilton is getting some great acts including a UK debut.

A review - thats even better.........roll on the weekend, though lets hope the rain stays away?
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Location : Bristol
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-06, 03:49

Cheers Box Brownie. I wonder about hiring a lens. I have used my 70-200 with 1.7TC for the past few years which seems to be ok, I think Im just itching for a longer reach to isolate the aircraft more. The filter is a good idea and I may put one of my ND's on the front is the sun comes out.

The Assault Demo is fantastic to watch although we left early last year to avoid the crush on exit. If its your first time definitely stay to see the assault.
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Location : Newport/Chepstow

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-07, 11:20

Looking forward to this one as much as RIAT!!
Going down early on Friday morning with the caravan and setting up in the official camper/caravan site,which is the atheletics track/field opposite the museum entrance. The clubhouse then has a bbq/party until midnight on both nights Cheers
A short bike ride to the 27 end,which they will be hopefully using,set up the beach shelter,chairs out,picnic at the ready,airband plugged in my lug-hole and away to go.
Last years arrivals was a none starter,so it has to be better this time!!
As Razor61 says,you realy have to be at the 27 end and under the comando assault....its absolutely amazing!!
Look out for me and the Mrs in the green beach shelter,2 England chairs and 2 bikes dumped on the ground...come and say hello Clap
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Location : Area 51
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-07, 11:30

Does anyone know whether the field near the crash gate on the south side is going to be open? The owner used to open it which gave an opportunity to shoot things on the runway and taxiway.

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Box Brownie

Location : Surrey
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-09, 01:26

Whats the traffic like on the show day?

We are staying down fairly locally (down near Sherborne) but I have no idea how bad the traffic could be for even that short a distance ~ so if we were to want to be parking up by about 9'ish i.e. just after the gates open what time do we need to be 'on the road' ???

Weather is looking promising Clap
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Box Brownie

Location : Surrey
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-09, 06:48

I just had another look at the weather forecast and the Met Office site says heavy rain...............I do hope not Confused Mad
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Location : Bristol
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty2009-07-09, 06:52

Ive been monitoring the weather and it has gone from 0% chance of rain to a 90% chance of rain. There is a weather front coming in from the Atlantic and that is what is bringing the rain. The thing we have to hope for is it either speeds up and passes by tomorrow and early Saturday or it gets stalled and doesn't reach us until Saturday evening / Sunday morning. The other option is that it swings up the channel and avoids yeovilton alltogether.

Here's hoping!!!!
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Yeovilton Airshow Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yeovilton Airshow Yeovilton Airshow Empty

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Yeovilton Airshow

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