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Yes I know I'm being controversial.......

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Location : United Kingdom
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-15, 02:53

I know I'm going to cause controversy but my honest opinion is that the Government should really scrap Trident and put the money from that into purchasing more Eurofighter Typhoons and Helicopters........
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Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-15, 03:30

If they did scrap the Trident project, then the money would go into to the deficit that we owe not into suppling our depleated services Yes I know I'm being controversial....... 198814
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Location : Buxton, Derbyshire
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-15, 04:19

Trident is never going to be scrapped. It is our first (and indeed only) line of deterrence, and to give that up means that we would be seen as fair game for anyone who fancied their chances. In reality, the US would always stick up for the UK if the time ever came, but reliance on a single (fickle) ally is a dangerous game at the best of times.

Trident (and Polaris before it), and the air-launched option before that, allows us a massively powerful negotiating tool as a nuclear power. To give that up would weaken our stance on the world stage massively.

Just because the former Soviet Union is no longer as much as a threat (but still SOME threat!), doesn't mean there re no other rogue states out there.

Most importantly, no matter what your political leanings, any government that scrapped the nuclear deterrent would guarantee that they wouldn't get voted in for another term...

Just my 2p worth..

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... 345990
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Location : N E Jockistan
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-15, 05:38

sschofield wrote:
In reality, the US would always stick up for the UK if the time ever came, but reliance on a single (fickle) ally is a dangerous game at the best of times.

I wouldn't put money on it - the US is our ally only when it suits the aims of the US, take the entry of the US into both World Wars for example, nothing has changed. That "Special Relationship" isn't exactly two-way.
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The Phantom

The Phantom

Location : Bristol

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-15, 23:49

This feeling people have that the US will always be here for us if we get into trouble...
History certainly says otherwise!

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Location : N E Jockistan
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-16, 00:23

Look a bit deeper into history, to the facts of 1917 & 1941, the US was extremely hesitant in both cases. Now back to topic.
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Location : Area 51
Spotter Watch Member : No

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-16, 01:42

Loss of Trident would probably mean we'd lose our seat on the Security Council which in turn would harm our long terms strategic interests which would negate any short term financial gain by scrapping the T boats.

There was a mention in The Times at the weekend that consideration was being given to having an air-deliverable nuke deterrent instead. I presume this would have to be a stand-off missile but not having read or heard it anywhere else I would imagine this is ill-informed rumour.
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madhatters 492

madhatters 492

Location : Benthall ,Shropshire (on the edge of the Lichfield corridor) and within LFA 9 Home of the DHFS

Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty2009-09-16, 05:49

HighlandSniper wrote:
Look a bit deeper into history, to the facts of 1917 & 1941, the US was extremely hesitant in both cases. Now back to topic.

The uk turned a blind eye to hitlers european crusade for many years, peace in our time anyone? A time when we had government with no grapefruits, much like now then.

Now back to topic. What would buying loads more Typhoons do for this countries defence?
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Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Vide
PostSubject: Re: Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Yes I know I'm being controversial....... Empty

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Yes I know I'm being controversial.......

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