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An Apology

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Location : UK
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-27, 12:28

Ladies and gentlemen.

A complaint was recently received, by the FC staff, about myself and about the way I word certain posts. In particular the way I compose sentences when I feel the time is right to lock threads.

I have been accused of being "on an ego trip", that I am "full of self importance" and "patronising".

I would like to assure ALL Fighter Controllers that this is about as far removed from my actual personality as is possible. Many of you on here know me personally and I hope you would agree.

All too often threads need to be locked as a matter of urgency and explanations need to be made as to why these actions were carried out. In my haste to achieve these aims, I may not always portray the correct demeanor.

That said, we are a community and as such it is important that no one member is perceived to be better than anyone else.

From the Admins, down through the Moderation staff to the newest member, we all have an equal and important role to play in keeping Fighter Control the resource it is today.

There are no egos to massage on here.

To that end I apologise unreservedly for any ill feeling that I have generated between Fighter Control and one of our members who has asked to remain anonymous. Embarassed

That said, I reserve the right, as is my role, to continue to lock threads where necessary AND to explain why such actions were taken.
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An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-27, 15:00

I think you do a sterling job Goose and for little or no reward. So, someone complains about the way you word a post, you aren't going to please everyone and not many people realise what a thankless job you're doing for the benefit of the site. Keep up the good work, the sooner we honest member start saying thanks so you guys running FC feel appreciated, the better.

FC is a fantastic forum to be part of, I for one say well done and if others dont agree, well, thats hard luck, you can't please everyone. Clap
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Location : South Oxfordshire
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-27, 15:09

I would just like to chip in with total agreement on the previous post.

You guys - Admin and Mods do a sterling job, if the way you run things is that bad would the board be so popular?

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Location : skegness
Spotter Watch Member : no

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-27, 23:20

I agree with the last posts, you guys do a fantastic job and long may it continue.

Thanks to you all

Ian in Skegness
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Location : spilsby
Spotter Watch Member : yes

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 01:17

Hear Hear totally agree with all the posts long may you continue
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Location : Birmingham, West Midland (Geordie Born & Bred)
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 01:28

Goose I have always seen you and the other admin and moderators to be fair and just in everything that you have done and continue to do with FC. I applaud you and those others who find time to maintain this excellent site. I also commend you for taking the time to apologise when you realise that you may have been wrong, where some others would have taken the other end and just dismissed any complaints with malicious acts or behaviour. This proves the kind of maturity that exists on this site. Keep up the good work and if I am wrong at any time feel free to come find me and smack me with a wet Kipper :LOL

Hope the person who may have been offended, accepts your apology.

You're all good guys here and I would sadly miss the site if you thought that you are not appreciated, because I am sure myself and the majority of the other contributors deeply appreciate the efforts that you put into keep FC going :)
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gary lees

Location : nottingham
Spotter Watch Member : no

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 04:06

Total agreement with all the previous comments...Top man Goose Angel

One strange thing though,if someone has been offended/insulted why would they want to remain anonymous Secret
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Location : In a layby

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 04:22

gary lees wrote:
Total agreement with all the previous comments...Top man Goose Angel

One strange thing though,if someone has been offended/insulted why would they want to remain anonymous Secret

Who it was isnt really important, a complaint was made and taken onboard. The FC staff do make mistakes, and if ANY member feels we have acted wrongly or made a bad decision they are welcome to contact Admin or Mods as such. While its true we run this forum, it's you the members that make it the success it is with your contributions, be it photos/airwaves/logs etc.

We value your opinions good or bad (we just prefer good Laughing )
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Location : Hertfordshire
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: An apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 05:25

I don’t know the specifics here so won’t comment directly. I do know that in any dispute, seldom do grievances lie solely on one side or the other. Grievances may be real or imagined but are very real to the parties involved. Apologies have been offered and, I hope, accepted. ‘Sorry’ may be
only a little word but it’s one many of us find amongst the most difficult in the language.

When you’re talking to someone face to face, you can impart meaning through tone, expression and body language. Your words are reinforced by these and misunderstanding is less likely, or can be readily corrected. When you write something you are remote in both time and distance from your audience and the tone is conveyed by your choice of words alone. Different readers may see those same words and interpret entirely different meanings. They don't have access to the visual clues that reinforce the words. I have seen many instances in my professional life (legal/financial) and still blush when I recall some of the upset I have caused writing ill-chosen but well-intentioned words.

The moderators attempt to keep all happy – a notoriously difficult task – and I think do a good job, largely unheralded. The forum is a great help to me and, I’m sure, others so we can all better enjoy our special interest. It won’t work without you.

A maxim worth considering is that all feedback should be made with positive intent, That means you don’t criticise to inflict hurt, ridicule or assert your own (self-assumed) superiority but with the intention of helping someone improve for their benefit and the benefit of others. Another is that constructive criticism is more powerful when you also take the trouble to thank someone for a job well-done just as readily as you highlight shortcomings. So let me take the chance now to say ‘thank you’ to the organisers, moderators and vast majority of willing members of FC who make my lifelong passion for military aircraft that much more enjoyable.

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Location : T' North
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 05:37

Never had any issues with the way this board is moderated. It's streets ahead of some of the other aviation BBS' out there (not naming any names Secret )

Keep up the good work guys.
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Location : St.Ives, Cambridgeshire

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 06:31

Never met you Goose but I've always thought you come across as polite and courteous chap!

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Location : UK
Spotter Watch Member : No

An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty2009-07-28, 08:08

Going to lock this one now, a big thank you for your support however that was never the intention behind this thread.

I have no idea if my apology has been accepted.
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An Apology Vide
PostSubject: Re: An Apology An Apology Empty

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An Apology

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