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HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading??

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Location : west buckland, somerset, U.K
Spotter Watch Member : no

HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Vide
PostSubject: HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Empty2009-07-26, 17:06

Hi all, hopefully someone may have come across this before and know why it occurs. Confused
For some unexplained reason the headings in all aircraft and at all locations is off, example: lined up on Fairford runway, eastbound take-off should be 92', yet on HSI, backup HSI, any MFD's and shift-z all show a different value ( collectively they show the same, though wrong value), as in the fairford example everything reads 332' Huh ,
I have installed a couple of aircrafts recently that i have had before with no problems, so im unsure if it could be those, likewise some sceneries that, again, i have had before with no trouble.

any thoughts on this would be gratefully recieved, as its got me completely confused!!

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Location : swansea
Spotter Watch Member : no

HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Vide
PostSubject: Re: HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Empty2009-07-26, 23:30

Does it correct itself when you press Ctrl+D
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Location : west buckland, somerset, U.K
Spotter Watch Member : no

HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Vide
PostSubject: Re: HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Empty2009-07-28, 14:22

glasfryn wrote:
Does it correct itself when you press Ctrl+D

dont know what caused the prob or why, Huh , but your suggestion seems to have nipped it in the bud! Clap

THANK YOU!! Cheers
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Location : swansea
Spotter Watch Member : no

HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Vide
PostSubject: Re: HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Empty2009-07-29, 05:49

It happens to me when i slew using the Y button.Glad its sorted for you.cheers Jason
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HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Vide
PostSubject: Re: HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading?? Empty

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HSI & Shift-Z, why do they show an innacurate heading??

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